Wisdom Teeth Removal And Recovery


Removal of wisdom teeth is a common dental procedure when patients have wisdom teeth pain, swelling, tooth decay or there is simply not enough room for the wisdom teeth to come through.  The experienced dentists at Our Dental Centre Clinic can assess and extract your wisdom teeth before they even start to cause problems. The wisdom teeth can be removed safely and sedation can be organized when requested, to have it all done while you are asleep.  The Brownfield dentist in Brownfield  is conveniently located near to the Brownfield Sport Complex and Coleman Park is  and best Dental  Wisdom Teeth Removal  Expert  dentist near you.

Our Dental Clinic work together with several experienced dental seditionists and medical anesthetists to make your wisdom teeth removal as safe, easy and painless as possible. After an initial consultation, appointments can be organized under twilight sedation.

wisdom teeth removal recovery

A few days after the procedure, most people are back to their pre-treatment state, but it often takes a few weeks for your gums to heal fully. Following your dental surgeon’s post-surgical instructions is important to ensure your safety and comfort.

post surgery

Our wisdom teeth dentists use dissolving stitches to close wounds in the gum. The time it takes for the stitches to dissolve depends on your dentist (usually 7 to 14 days). You may be asked to bite your jaws together for up to an hour after the extraction to keep pressure on the gauze your dentist has placed over the extraction site. This is done to aid in forming a blood clot in the empty tooth socket. Avoid disturbing blood clots; they are an important part of healing.

Call us at (806) 636-5555 ,Mail us at : brownfielddental@gmail.com 

or visit https://brownfielddentaltx.com/home to schedule your  appointment.

Find us at:

101 Seagraves Rd,
TX 79316



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