Composite fillings are a popular type of dental filling used to treat tooth decay and other dental problems. They are made of a mixture of tooth-colored plastic and glass particles and are often used for filling cavities in visible teeth, such as the front teeth. Here are some key points to include in a presentation about composite fillings:

Composition: Composite fillings are made of a mixture of tooth-colored plastic and glass particles. They can be matched to the color of the surrounding teeth, making them a popular choice for front teeth.

Procedure: The procedure for getting a composite filling is similar to that of other types of dental fillings. After numbing the area around the affected tooth, the dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and prepare it for the filling material. The composite filling material is then placed in layers and cured with a special light, which hardens the material.

Benefits: There are several benefits to using composite fillings, including their natural appearance, their ability to bond directly to the tooth, and their ability to preserve more of the natural tooth structure compared to other types of fillings.


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